Dr. Eugene Sachkou
Dr Eugene (Yauhen) Sachkou completed his undergraduate degree in physics at the Belarusian State University in Minsk, Belarus. This was followed by a Master of Science in Photonics degree obtained jointly from Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (both Belgium), and University of St Andrews (Scotland). Eugene then moved to Australia to pursue a PhD in physics at the University of Queensland. During his doctoral studies Eugene leveraged methods of cavity optomechanics to investigate microscopic dynamics of two-dimensional superfluid helium, with a particular focus on quantum vortices. Right after obtaining his PhD in 2019, Eugene joined the Superconducting Quantum Devices Laboratory as a postdoc. His research focuses on superconducting qubits, such as transmons and a phase-slip flux qubit. Apart from academic research, Eugene enjoys engaging in various science communication and outreach activities.