Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /home/equsorg/public_sqd/sites/all/modules/remember_me/remember_me.module).
Coupling superconducting artificial atoms to the continuum of modes in a waveguide opens a door for probing a vast range of atom-light interactions in an open space configuration. In this thesis, we experimentally implement a platform where two transmon-type superconducting qubits are coupled to the one-dimensional fields confined in a rectangular waveguide.
This research investigates a regime where suciently rapid dynamics are induced in the qubit such that the resonator can no longer distinguish between the two qubit states. These dynamics can be induced by a strong, coherent driving eld. This is proposed to eradicate the ability to measure the qubit, and suppress the associated ac-Stark shift induced dephasing. These mechanisms are tested through the creation and use of a numerical simulation of the Lindblad master equation and experimental measurements of a transmon qubit in the strong driving regime.
The thesis studies the dependence of a dispersive shift of a transmon qubit as function of its detuning from the frequency of the resonator. The dispersive shift was measured both for both on-chip CPW resonator and for 3D cavity. Experimental data were compared to the second and forth order analitical formula.
Thesis presents a detailed characterization of a parametric amplifier, in terms of its frequency tuneability, Josephson junction characteristics, quality factors, driving power regimes, and its gain performance.
The thesis studied implementation of the Quantum State Tomography in a circuit QED architecture, providing a practical tool that is essential to the ongoing study of quantum dynamics of computation within the Superconducting Quantum Devices Lab.