Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /home/equsorg/public_sqd/sites/all/modules/remember_me/remember_me.module).
Developing a toolbox for a full quantum control of several qubits quantum states in circuit QED architecture. The toolbox can be used for arbitrary quantum control of multi-qubit states and for characterization of the states by quantum state tomography.
We present a technique to measure the transfer function of a control line using a qubit as a vector network analyzer. Our method requires coupling the line under test to the the longitudinal component of the Hamiltonian of the qubit and the ability to induce Rabi oscillations through simultaneous driving of the transversal component. We used this technique to characterize the 'flux' control of a superconducting Transmon qubit in the range of 8 to 400\,MHz. Our method can be used for the qubit 'flux' line calibration to increase the fidelity of entangling gates for the quantum processor. The qubit can be also used as a microscopic probe of the electro-magnetic fields on a chip.